Why do you need to get a Home Inspection?
If you are Buying, Selling, or Building, one thing is for sure–“Knowledge is Power”. Let our knowledge give you that power to make your Journey a success. Journey Home Inspections – Where Your Journey is our Passion.
Buying a home is an exciting Journey that can be stressful, emotional and difficult if not done with the right tools. When you hire us, you hire a family team that is on your side there to help inform you. Scheduling is hassle free and quick. You will be met by a knowledgeable licensed inspector onsite who will answer your questions in an informative manner and deliver the easy to read reports. Once the inspection is over the easy to read report will be delivered quickly via email.
Texas has some of the most stringent guidelines established by the TX Real Estate Commission (www.trec.texas.gov). Utilizing Texas Real Estate Commission Standards, we provide you with a written report to give you the confidence you need. A home inspector must be actively licensed, remain up to date by taking several continuing education classes each year, remain certified and be insured. We match that with great personal skills that make our clients knowledgeable. You can find a copy of the Texas Real Estate Commission Consumer Protection Notice : chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/viewer.html?pdfurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.trec.texas.gov%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fpdf-forms%2FCN%25201-4-1.pdf&clen=211595&chunk=true
Bryan Hughes TREC #21772 – Professional Home Inspector
Contact us today for a quote – 817-296-8443 or at